Friday, November 28, 2008
Bird Watching List Software
This program will tell you what bird species can be found in a specific region in the world. With the information, it will easy to classify and identify what you see when you get back home.
But isn’t there a software that can record what you have seen? As a matter of fact, there is. This program is designed to let you save the date and time that you saw a bird so you can share this information with fellow bird watchers and vice versa. You can also upload the pictures from your digital camera so you can put the name of the species with the right image.
You can download a free trial of these programs and then pay for it later on if you would like to continue your subscription. The developers of some give out updates for the program making it better than it was before.
The development of bird watching software has made this hobby go high tech. Not only do we need the usual gear like the binoculars, a guide and a notebook but now, something else to help up keep track of everything we have seen.
Before you download or buy the bird watching list software, make sure that it is compatible with the operating system in the computer. Since it will occupy a lot of memory in the hard drive, you should also consider upgrading it so you will soon have a huge collection of bird’s right there on your computer.
If you travel regularly, some software programs can put these in different lists so there is one for birds which you saw in the neighborhood, another for a trip either local or abroad and even a wish list while there are others that are sold separately.
But despite everything, some people say that the computer program is only useful when you have one in front of you. It is not practical to bring this along during the trip because it could get wet or damaged and since you will be hiking the whole time, it is best to travel light and only bring the essentials.
To answer this concern, you just have to bring a lot of memory cards for the digital camera then upload these when you get back home.
Will more people use bird watching software? Definitely yes but it will not phase out the use of a good journal simply supplement what people have been doing for years so they have record of the bird they have seen.
Bird watching is a fun hobby and anyone can become a member. In the beginning, you may not even need the bird watching list software because you will be looking for them only in the neighborhood. But when you have the money to travel farther, this tool will come in handy because you will no longer need to drop by the park service just to get a brochure to tell you what is there.
You can skip this and look for them on your own or sign up immediately for the group tour.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
The Truly Fascinating World of Bird Watching
Birds are the most visible form of wildlife, they are found in every part of the world that is not permanently covered by ice, and you can see them in any weather, any time of day or night, anywhere you go.
Whether you live in the country or the city, there are birds nearby, 835 species of birds spend at least part of the year in North America.
You can go out looking for birds or attract them to your home. Birding is one of the fastest-growing outdoor activities all around the world. The Verb ‘To Bird' would serve as an excellent jumping off point for a feature, which highlights the growing popularity of birding. More than 70 million Americans are feeding and watching backyard birds.
Success in bird watching is, to a large extent, based on location, either by venturing to locations or habitats where birds are plentiful, or by devising ways to attract birds to your own back yard. Birds seen at a distance may be enjoyable to watch, but the true excitement of the hobby is greatly enhanced when you can see the birds up very close.
Some of the most useful tools that enhance your bird-watching experience are those that makes birds easier to see in striking detail.
There are numerous ways to participate in the hobby of birding. Aside from simply viewing birds in nature, avid enthusiasts engage in numerous other activities.
Some of those may include: feeding birds, providing nesting sites or birdhouses, growing specialized plants and gardens to attract birds, traveling to nature sanctuaries and other bird-watching locales, keeping lists and notes on birds seen in the wild, making diagrams and sketches and spending hours trying to snap the perfect photograph of a favorite bird species.
In order to enhance your beautiful experience of bird watching in winter one can learn bird's song. Birds' strongest senses are sight and hearing, and they have evolved ways to communicate and to recognize their own species by using signals based on those two senses.
Because we are also creatures of sight and sound, we can tap right into all the fascinating distinctions of color and shape that birds embody, and just as naturally we can appreciate the sounds that are so important in their lives. As you begin to recognize bird songs, your own backyard will become a much more interesting place.
For me, it was like gaining supernatural vision, being able to see through the leaves and around buildings. I was amazed at how many birds were all around me and how much I had been missing out on.
To broaden your bird-watching experience beyond your own backyard, consider incorporating some bird-rich locales into your next vacation. Serious bird enthusiasts actually plan trips around visiting bird sanctuaries, nature parks and other natural locations where they can view birds in large numbers, in diversity of species and in their native habitats.
Traveling to a region of the country other than the one in which you live will allow you to see species you may have never seen before for e.g.
• The southeastern Arizona Mountains known as "sky islands" and in particular the Chirachua mountains are home to many impressive species such as the acorn woodpecker
• One of the most distinctive attractions in this area, however, is the diversity of hummingbirds. As many as 14 different species may be observed here. The large magnificent hummingbird can only be found in the Southwest.
Some of the basic tips for bird watching are:
• Try to observe the birds so they don't know you are there. Move slowly, make as little noise as possible, and keep your distance.
• Going too close to a nest or repeatedly scaring a bird off its nest can cause the parents to abandon their nest leaving the eggs vulnerable to predators. Do not touch the eggs or young birds.
• Avoid trampling fragile natural areas to get a closer look. Stay on paths and trails.
• Don't litter.
Now once you have started on the bird watching its important to build a bird house, start the proper bird-feeding all year around, provide them with water either through bird bath or providing water specially in extreme weathers. In this way the birds would be attracted and would keep coming back to the backyard.
John Savage
Friday, November 21, 2008
Bird Watching Optics
Bird watching optics is essential because it is impossible to see a bird hiding behind a tree with the naked eye. Since you will be carrying other things along, it is only right that this is compact and lightweight.
But is it enough to have bird watching optics to make your excursion successful? The answer is no because you need to wear the right attire, have a bag and a bird watching guide so the birds you see can easily identified.
Bird watchers should wear a birding vest that has several pockets. The typical kind has about ten which makes it easy for the user to put things such as lens cap, lip palm, insect repellant, water and some snacks instead of stopping and pulling these out of the bag.
Ideally, this uses a Velcro seal instead of a zipper or a button so you are sure that whatever in your pockets is secure.
You don’t want to be caught should it rain so it is also a good idea to bring a long a rain jacket. If the weather is quite sunny, it is advisable to bring along a hat so you don’t get sunburn even if you have already put lotion on the exposed parts of your body. The hat also has another purpose and that is to keep hair away from your face and eyes.
Bird watching takes hours which is why it is important to put all your stuff in a backpack. It should have some food, water, compass, notebook, field maps and even an extra pair of bird watching optics. You should only carry what you need and avoid making it too heavy because it will be hard to carry when you get tired.
If you want to capture an image of the birds you have seen, you can buy a pair of optics that is able to capture pictures and video. Naturally this is more expensive than the one you just look at but it is worth it when you are able to download these to your computer and show it off to other bird watchers.
Bird watching is very popular and you don’t have to enroll in a class to join in the fun. You simply need to know what birds are in your area so you know what you are looking for either by yourself or when you are with a group.
As for the right pair of bird watching optics, you have to do some research first by comparing the price, looking at its features if it has interchangeable lenses or if it can be mounted on a tripod and lastly looking at consumer reviews since these people know what they are talking about before they decide to recommend this to others.
The key to this hobby is patience. After sitting around for a few minutes or maybe an hour, you might just spot the bird a few yards away and see it up close and personal with the help of your bird watching optics.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Bird Watching is a recreation anyone can enjoy at anytime of the year
Do you ever have a day when you have nothing to do ?, You know them times when your on the internet in some chat room, and you type ' I'm bored ! ', or your flipping through the TV channels, and you say to yourself or out loud ' 250 channels, and nothing good to watch ! ', yes, you know what I am talking about. Now you have something you can do on them so called boring days, go bird watching.
No matter where you live you probably have birds of some kind, even folks in New York have central park and other places where they can go bird watching. There are three things you should have when bird watching, these are a pair of binoculars, a notebook, and a bird guide.
Binoculars can be purchased for under $60 at most Kmart or Walmart stores. Binoculars with a magnification of 10 x 50 are perfect for bird watching. Don't think that a more powerful pair of binoculars like 20 x 60 or 30 x 80 are better, this is not the case. Stronger binoculars are fine if you are into star gazing, but they are horrible for bird watching. The higher powered binoculars need a tripod to use them without shaking, and even without a tripod, the powerful binoculars are larger and can be very heavy to carry around, the 10 x 50 ones are perfect for every occasion.
A small tablet or notebook can be purchased at most stores, don't get nothing expensive just a small spiral one will do fine. Now the last thing is the most important item when it comes to bird watching. If you are truly going to watch birds, you should know what type of birds you are looking at when you spot a new one, so visit your local book store or look in the birding section of an online bookstore, such as amazon, at the end of this article I have a website address that has some of Amazons best bird guides, videos, binoculars and more.
Ok, so you have your binoculars, notebook and pencil, and your bird guide, now let's go outside and go bird watching. I am sure you won't have to walk very far to spot a bird or two. I am lucky enough to currently live here in the country, all I have to do is open my door and I will hear the sounds of birds. If I step outside my front door, I can often see sparrows or finches, in the spring time the yard always has a couple robins hopping around, and crows flying around the nearby woods, high overhead I often see turkey buzzards soaring against the blue sky. One time I opened my front door and across the road in the top of a large tree a horned owl was sitting, it stayed there for about 10 minutes, turning it's head often as it looked around.
If you have any grassy, wooded or open areas with trees or bushes, you can usually find birds. One of the best things about bird watching is anyone can do it, even if your in a wheelchair, you can sit and watch birds. It's a great recreation for anyone that is alone, or for the whole family to do together.
When you go out, remember to take your bird watching items with you, your binoculars, notebook and pencil, and bird guide. When you spot a bird look in your binoculars too see all it's beauty in close detail, if you do not recognize the species of bird your seeing, get out your bird guide and look it up. When you realize the type of bird you see, write down in your notebook the following information; ' the name of the bird, the area where it was spotted, the date, and time '. The information in your notebook, helps you understand what types of birds frequent your area, it also is pretty neet being able to read back and see when you spotted a new or rare bird.
If you have a yard, tree or even a window you can attract birds by installing a simple feeder. Bird feeders are very inexpensive and they have feeders that can hang on a tree branch, or fence, or even stick to the outside of a window.
Attracting different species of birds often requires different types of bird seed and other food. Hummingbirds are attracted to red, pink and orange flowers, they especially like trumpet vines or other tubular-flowered plants, they are also very attracted to hummingbird feeders filled with sugar water or red sweetened kool-aid. Robins like mowed lawns, so in the spring and summer if you want to see robins, mow your grass, the birds come looking for bugs and earthworms that are more easily accessible because you cut the grass length. Goldfinches love thistle seed, thistle is more expensive then most common bird seed, but you cannot beat it if you want to attract goldfinches. Blue Jays are large and sometimes noisy, but if you want to bring them, put out a feeder full of black oil sunflower seeds. Cardinals are very neat looking, there is nothing nicer than looking out the window in the winter, and seeing a bright red cardinal sitting on a nearby tree branch or feeder. Cardinals are like Blue Jays, in that they both love a diet of black oil sunflower seeds. If you want to attract sparrows, a bag of plain mixed bird seed will do just fine.
There is Computer Software that is made just for ' Bird Watching '. The software is called: ' Bird Watcher Professional ', you can read the details and download a trial version of it for free at this website address:
Here is a website address that has some of the best Bird Guides (Books), Videos, Binoculars and other birding equipment that Amazon sells:
Robert W. Benjamin
Friday, November 14, 2008
Bird Watching During Spring Migration
Hundreds of migratory birds fly in from different parts of the world which is why this season is much awaited in the bird watching scene. Many different bird species can be spotted and enjoyed during this time which makes it easy even for first time bird watchers to sight even the often rare and difficult to sight birds.
Different birds of different feathers flock together during this momentous time which is why many serious bird watching enthusiasts travel great lengths, often crossing continents to track and sight migratory birds during spring. Fortunately, one need not travel too far to enjoy this natural phenomenon. All one has to do to take part of this wonderful event is to track the migratory patterns of these birds through simple research and find out good places for sighting.
To do this, one may start by finding out the different local bird watching activities that usually culminate during International Migratory Bird Day. Take advantage of the interstate bird watching activities both for the bird sightings and also for the networking. These festivals often offer various bird related activities that are not necessarily actual bird watching so there is something for everyone and you can bring you family along if needed.
Meeting and talking with other bird watching enthusiasts will help equip you with the necessary tips and tools to further progress in this worthwhile hobby of birding.
If you’re willing to travel a bit farther up north during spring, you will be welcomed by a wonderful bird watching experience staged at the Canadian side of Lake Ontario at Prince Edward Point.
The annual Prince Edward County Birding Festival is flocked by migratory birds and bird watching enthusiasts alike. In fact, if you are new at bird watching, you may want to put off visiting this area during spring migration for the reason that it will be very difficult to top the experience of birding here. After visiting Prince Edward County regular bird watching locations may begin to fall short of your expectations and if you aren’t a serious bird watching enthusiast yet, you may soon become one after this experience.
To partake of this wonderful natural experience, you can opt to join established bird watching trips to this area. With an experienced guide and a group of other enthusiasts, you will be able to better appreciate the trip to one of the best staging areas of migratory birds.
Be sure to book your trip and finalize your plans before hand because you may be hard pressed to do otherwise. All the advanced preparations will be worth it anyway from the sheer amount of wonderful bird species you will be sure to see along with the invaluable camaraderie and networking you can do with other new and old bird watching enthusiasts alike.
Whether you consider bird watching as a casual hobby or your life’s passion, remember that bird watching during spring migration is something that you must try, even if you only try out local haunts to begin with.
Be forewarned though that experiencing this kind of event may convert you into a serious birder whether you intend to be one or not.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Taking A Bird Watching Vacation
There are more than 1000 different species of birds in the United States alone, all of which are unique in their own way. Each species of bird has their own call pattern, sound, shape, and even a different beak. As a bird watcher, you may only have about a half a second to identify a bird by seeing how it moves through the trees, or by the shape of its wings. For the amateur bird watcher, it can be frustrating out there alone, not knowing what to look for, or what type of bird you have found. That is why a bird watching vacation can be quite an adventure for you, as well as a time for you to learn a hobby that you may soon fall in love with. Usually bird watching vacations are guided tours with a large group of people who enjoy helping others discover the love of bird watching.
Where to Go On a Bird Watching Vacation
The possibilities are endless when deciding where to go on a bird watching vacation. Here are just a few choices that have been rated some of the best bird watching vacation spots in the World. Costa Rica has often been considered the Mecca of bird watching. With such exquisite locations as the reserve of Bosque de Paz and the La Ensenada refuge, Costa Rica is one of the most popular bird watching vacation spots to be found.
South Africa frequently offers bird watching vacations to Kruger Park, Pretoria, Hluhuwe Game Reserve, and everywhere in between. Birders can experience a great variety of local birds, migrants, and endemic birds that make up the almost 850 species that can be found in this stunning location.
During a winter bird watching vacation, you may want to find yourself on the sandy beaches of The Grand Bahama Island. Grand Bahama Island has the distinction of being the 2nd most bird-populated island in the Bahamas. The Rand Nature Centre is home to West Indian Flamingos, Red-legged Thrushes, the endangered Bahama parrot, as well as numerous other species of birds. While kayaking in the crystal clear water you will have the chance to see rare birds that live in the Mangrove swamps, and the Caribbean Pine Forest.
Opportunities are plenty on any of these bird watching vacations. It is up to you to choose the one that takes you both to a beautiful location and one that will thrill the bird enthusiast within you.
John Wollitz
Friday, November 7, 2008
Bird Watching Scopes
While some people use binoculars, hunting optics seem to be much better and if you want to know which of these are the best to buy, they are namely ATN, Bushnell, Leupold, Nikon and Swarovski.
So you know what species you’ve seen in your scope, you will have to refer to a bird watching book that is readily available at the store.
But what if you want to see and take pictures of them at the same time? For that, you will need the digital camera binoculars.
This type of bird watching scope allows you take high quality images. These happen to be the latest innovation in technology that allows you to take shots even at night and then download it into your desktop or laptop.
Very lightweight and compact, you can easily carry it no matter where you go. If you don’t like the picture you took, you can review it by displaying this on the LCD screen then deleting this image and taking a better shot.
Another great feature of the digital camera binoculars is that you can record live video for up to 20 seconds or more. It is very affordable and a great addition to those who want to take bird watching to the next level.
Some of the brands that sell this bird watching digital camera include Barka, Bushnell, Celestron and Meade. These companies are the best in the business and if you want to take more shots, you just have to change the flash card from a 64MB to one that can accommodate 1 GB.
There are two features you have to look for when comparing these brands. These are namely the objective lens size and the magnification power. Objective lens size will determine the field of view while the magnification power may be from 7x to 10x.
Of course, don’t forget to check if the bird watching scope has a clear LCD display, good resolution and as mentioned earlier, the video capture option. Since it is hard to stay in one position for a long time, you should also check if your new toy can be mounted on a tripod.
As much as we want to buy the best digital camera binoculars around, one thing that we have to consider is our budget. If some brands are beyond your price range, you can either wait until you have more money or settle for those that are within your reach. Once you have narrowed that, it is time for you to try them out.
It should be durable, light weight and water resistant because it has to withstand the elements. Speed is also another factor so you are able to capture the bird should it fly away suddenly and you are able to add this to your collection at home.
Aside from checking out the merchandise, do some research and see what reviews have been written about the product. These bird watching scopes area also great for other activities like boating, hiking and hunting so get something that can be used all around in the outdoors.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Discover Bird Watching - Tips
A special bird watching vacation to try, if you're a passionate bird watcher, is a world tour visiting some of the world's great bird watching sites. Even locally in the United States, a lot of states offer bird sanctuaries and aviaries where you can go. Every places is home to countless species of native avian life, and promises a amazing experience. Here are a few of the more prominent international sites you'll want to visit if you decide to go farther abroad:
South America - the jungles of South America house to thousands of beautiful birds. Bird watching vacation popular spots in South America is the Itatiaia National Park in Brazil, which is home to around 350 variety of species of birds native to the Amazon. The Iguazu National Park is the principal natural reserve in Argentina, with more than 400 types of native birds. Hato Pinero and Hato Cedral ranches in Venezuela, which are especially popular for bird watching, are other great places to visit in South America.
Europe - there are tons of popular spots in Europe for bird watching. There are in fact hundreds of bird watching spots in Britain alone. If you are considering Britain, the annual bird fairs and conventions held in various local districts are some things to look out for. Scotland and Ireland are also popular bird watching places, as they have little lakes and isles around these two countries are home to many different forms of bird life that are unique specifically to these islands.
The Carribean - While normally associated with vacations of a different sort, the Carribean Islands, are actually another great place to visit on a bird watching vacation world trip. In the Bahamas, Grand Bahama Island is the most well-liked place to go for bird watching. Bermuda is another excellent place to visit, as there are seven major natural reserves there sponsored by the Audubon Society. In Jamaica, the Rocklands Bird Sanctuary is popular because the birds there are so tame they sometimes perch on the bird watchers and eat out of their hands.
Asia - if you want to choose far afield, Asia is a fantastic place to go for bird watching vacation as a lot of different live there that have no equivalent counterparts in the west. Japan alone encompasses around 600 species of birds. The Lake Utonai and Tateyama Bird sanctuaries in Japan are the most important wildlife preserves where you can see them. China's main attraction is not only its original species of birds, but the fact that certain sites like Beidaihe are a migratory centre for far-ranging birds from all across Asia. Another good place to visit for bird watching is Thailand's Doi inthanon International Park, which boasts 382 resident species. As you can see there exist a lot of places you could indulge yourself in an excellent bird watching vacation. Don't forget to take your camera and your trusty bird watching binoculars with you!
So as you can see there are a lot of interesting places you can go visit while enjoying this super bird watching hobby. If you don't feel like travelling there is also your trusty backyard to be discovered. You could be surprised of what you can discover in there.
Paul Zayer